TX Legislature 2021

Texas legislature whiffs again on privacy


privacy bills for 87th session

Have to give a credit to my Rep Giovanni Capriglione for putting together a whole package of privacy bills

  • HB 3741 - “omnibus” privacy bill, overall fairly strong bill, a few points I would change - did not even get a hearing in the Texas House, run over by lobbyists

  • Then 5 more privacy related bills HB 3742 genetic testing, HB 3743 educational data, HB 3744 data crimes, HB 3745 ticket scalping, HB 3746 data breaches

    • The only bill that passed was HB 3746 - requiring the AG data breach portal to be open to the public with increased information related to victims that have been sufficiently notified

Overall a disappointing year for privacy in Texas. The Texas Association of Business fought against the main privacy bill. They like to say they are for “market-driven policies regarding privacy and information practices and oppose efforts that would create a "patchwork-quilt" of state laws that impede growth of internet commerce.” In other words, leave business alone.

Senator Jane Nelson introduced SB 16 which would prohibit the state of Texas from disseminating personal information without consent. She is one of the most powerful senators and this is one of Lt Gov Patrick’s priorities, but even this lost.

  • SB 15 did pass - DPS and DMV must stop selling data to marketing companies, including driver’s license information, photo, date of birth, email address, phone numbers, your driving record (including accidents), how much your car cost and more. A step forward.


privacy / fintech writings during this session

A presentation on privacy for UTD financial engineering class Privacy Legislation 2021 Update

Recommendations to Rep Capriglione to improve HB 3741

Draft of testimony for HB 3741

Texas Appleseed paper Texas at the crossroads - protecting privacy and civil rights

Reply to Fed RFI concerning use of AI in financial services

Draft of op-ed on data breaches

Financial Executives International panel discussion on privacy and security

Response to Texas Office of Consumer Credit Commissioner doubling administrative fee for loans

And Texas at the Crossroads - an update after the 87th legislative session

Comment to the CFPB Inquiry into Big Tech Payment Platforms